All Posts By

Dave Stephens

Ep 9 | How You Can Become a Giving Champion | Guest: Wally Martinson, Mission Increase

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Have you ever thought of yourself as a champion? Today in the Giving Room we talk with Wally Martinson of the Mission Increase Foundation and explore how you can become a Giving Champion for the organizations or causes you care most about. Wally unpacks 4 next steps for you on your giving journey. We know Wally’s heart for helping you grow both in your faith and in your generosity will encourage you.

Special thanks to our sponsor and producer River Radio Ministries. You can learn more or listen at

Show Notes: You can learn more about Wally here:…

You can learn more about Mission Increase nationally here:


Ep 8 | A Tale of 2 Fields

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Today we’re going to dive into two historical accounts of land or real estate gifts. These two accounts from the early church start out the same but definitely don’t end the same. We believe there is both a dose of encouragement—as well as caution—found here for us today. Pull up a chair and join us in the Giving Room as we unpack the role our heart and our motivation play in determining whether we’re truly generous.


Ep 7 | Getting Out of Debt may be the First Step on Your Journey of Generosity | Guest: Greg Murray

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If your generosity is being limited by your past, you’ll want to hear Greg’s story. He shares how several years of intentionally digging out of paralyzing debt has empowered he and his wife to be outrageously generous. Pull up a chair and join us in the Giving Room to hear their story of hope. Podcast

Special thanks to our sponsor and producer River Radio Ministries. You can learn more or listen at

Show Notes: For help getting out of debt and on a budget, see Need voiceover talent, hire Greg or his team:


Ep 6 | Meet a Cheerful, Spiritual, & Intentional Giver | Guest: Jena W.

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We heard Jena’s story, and we wanted you to hear it too! She’ll share how a small gift she made at her daughters’ prompting snowballed into something much bigger–including her starting to tithe for the first time. Her journey of faithful giving beyond tithing will encourage you. Pull up a chair and hear Jenna’s inspiring story of cheerful, spiritual, and intentional giving. You’ll be glad you did!

Special thanks to our sponsor and producer River Radio Ministries. You can learn more or listen at


Ep 5 | The Overhead Myth-Busted

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We’re pulling back the curtain on a philosophy that donors and nonprofits alike have held—the charity with the lowest overhead wins, or, from the donor’s perspective, “I don’t want my gift to pay for overhead.” We’ll push back on the statement that “100% of your gift goes to our mission” and encourage you to think strategically. Pull up a chair and join us in the Giving Room as we attempt to bust the overhead myth.

Podcast Website:

Special thanks to our sponsor and producer River Radio Ministries. You can learn more or listen at


Ep 4 | Gospel Patrons | Guest: John Rinehart

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Our special guest, John Rinehart, will answer the question: “How can your work and resources integrate with your faith?” You may find out that ‘Gospel Patron’ is the perfect title for you. You don’t want to miss this encouraging conversation—and you’ll likely want to share it with a friend or colleague. Pull up a chair and join us in the Giving Room to learn about gospel patrons from the past who have impacted your life today.

Podcast Website:

Special thanks to our sponsor and producer River Radio Ministries. You can learn more or listen at

You can learn more about John and the ministry of Gospel Patrons here:

You can buy the Gospel Patrons book here:


Ep 3 | When Your Life Unravels Like the Lyrics of a Bad Country Song | Guest: Chaplain John

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Today we have a special guest, John Dehmer. John was living the “American Dream”—until he wasn’t. After losing his marriage, his vision, his job, and more, he found himself with an unplanned fresh start. Through it all, John never lost his faith, and he had no idea how God would use a gift he made to change everything again.

Pull up a chair and join us in the Giving Room to hear John’s inspiring story.

Special thanks to our sponsor and producer River Radio Ministries. You can learn more or listen at

Show Notes: You can learn more about the Chaplains at River Radio Ministries and even request that one reach out to you here:

You can join the River’s virtual small group here:


Ep 2 | BBQS & the Switch Doctor

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Today we talk about the Top 4 Planned Giving Opportunities that could be right for you. We’ll explore 2 ways to give now and 2 ways to give later. We’ll even hear a real-life story David calls the ‘Switch Doctor.’ Pull up a chair and join us in the Giving Room to learn more about bequests, beneficiary designations, QCDs, and stocks & mutual fund gifts.

Special thanks to our sponsor and producer River Radio Ministries. You can learn more or listen at


Ep1 | Demystifying Planned Giving

By GivingRoom No Comments

If you’ve ever wanted a simplified take on planned giving—and an introduction to one of the primary subjects of the Giving Room Podcast—this episode is for you! We walk through how to give today, how to give tomorrow, and discuss a couple of once-in-a lifetime giving opportunities. Pull up a chair and join us in the Giving Room as we answer the question, “What exactly is planned giving—and could it be good for you now or in the future?”

Special thanks to our sponsor and producer River Radio Ministries. You can learn more or listen at


Intro | Dave & David Who?

By GivingRoom No Comments

You may be asking yourself, “Who are Dave & David?” and “Why should I listen to them?” Those are great questions! While we can’t answer the 2nd one, in this Intro Episode, you’ll meet Dave & David and learn about their 35 years of combined experience encouraging remarkable generosity. In fact, that’s why this podcast exists—to encourage you in your generosity. Pull up a chair and meet your hosts Dave & David in the Giving Room. 

Show Notes:

To learn more about River Radio ministries or to listen to 104.9 the River online, visit

You can connect with your hosts on LinkedIn too! 

David Baker & Dave Stephens
