IRA Rollovers Could Be Back Any Minute | An Urgent Update

By December 18, 2014Blog

That’s the GOOD NEWS, assuming President Obama signs the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 (H.R. 5771) which most talking heads think he will do as soon as today.

The TOUGHER NEWS? The bill only extends IRA Rollovers to charity through the end of this year. That’s right, December 31, 2014–about 14 days from right now if you count the holidays.

Again, most commentators I have been reading today think POTUS will sign the bill into law.

What should you do now? Just in case, here’s what I would do:

  1. Dust off your old IRA Rollover promotional materials.
  2. Write the copy for an email blast with three audiences in mind: a) previous IRA Rollover donors, b) donors who have recently turned 70 1/2 years old (this is why you collect birthdays), and c) financial advisors (especially those whose clients have given IRA assets before to your organization).
  3. Pull an email and call list of the folks matching the categories above.
  4. Prioritize your call list with previous IRA Rollover donors on top.

This is worth doing. Sophisticated, older donors follow these developments–especially if they are hoping to NOT trigger an annual minimum distribution and increase their taxable income.

Time is ticking–and this is the FUN STUFF! I’ll send out another post as soon as I hear of the bill being signed.

Email me if you have any questions.

David Baker

Author David Baker

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